Being pregnant is a joyous occasion and is a great time for pampering yourself with beauty treatments. But what about lash treatments? Can you get eyelash extensions when pregnant? You absolutely can and we’ll explain just how you should go about it.
Lash extensions are perfectly safe for pregnancy as it is a non-invasive procedure. There are, however, still risks of which you need to be aware and you should always consult with a physician prior to booking an appointment.
Can Pregnancy Change Your Eyelashes?
Pregnancy will change your eyelashes, but it’s not easy to predict in what way. For many women, the hormonal fluxes during pregnancy can impact hair growth. This may lead to hair thinning or shedding, and will therefore impact your eyelashes.
When pregnant, the body undergoes serious hormonal shifts.
One major consequence can be hair loss.
This is a condition known as telogen effluvium. This is caused by changes to hormones including testosterone and estrogen in the body.
It can appear anywhere from two months to four months into the pregnancy.
Usually, the condition won’t last longer than six months. The good news is that it won’t result in permanent hair loss.
Nonetheless, this shedding or thinning can still feel distressing which is unwelcome at a period when your body is already undergoing serious changes.
This is why getting eyelash extensions whilst pregnant can be appealing for some people as it helps you to manage any hair thinning. It will also improve your overall feeling of confidence in your body.
Can You Get Your Eyelashes Done When Pregnant?
You can get your eyelashes done when pregnant. If you’re going for an eyelash extension appointment, the lashes will be glued to your existing lashes. It is, therefore, a non-invasive procedure that’s safe to have whilst pregnant.
It’s nonetheless important to consult with your eyelash technician prior to getting your lashes done.
There are safety steps that you should take both before and during the appointment in order to ensure that you are as comfortable and safe as possible.
It’s also absolutely vital to consult with your physician prior to booking the appointment so that you get their official ‘okay’.
Some pregnant people react badly to eyelash glue – even if they’ve been exposed to it before becoming pregnant.
Pregnancy changes the way your body reacts to things, and it may suddenly make you more vulnerable to the glue.
Patch testing prior to your appointment will help you to ascertain whether or not the glue is fine for you to use.
If you have never had eyelash extensions before and are a first-time mom, you may want to reconsider whether or not it’s really important to get your lashes done.
If you do react badly to the glue, any sensitivity will be much harder to treat because of your pregnancy and may make you uncomfortable, which no one wants.
Remember that eyelash extensions are not the only way of making your lashes look more luscious whilst you’re pregnant.
You can try a lash lift that is safe for pregnant women or use a lash growth serum, which won’t involve any glue.
Remember to always patch test that serum before use, and take care to double-check the ingredients, too.
Things To Be Aware Of Before Getting Fake Lashes During Pregnancy
If you’re pregnant and determined to get your eyelashes done, it’s best to take the time to consult with your lash technician prior to your appointment.
Discuss what steps they can take to make you feel more comfortable, and be sure that any potential risks are outlined as clearly as possible.
That way, you’ll be totally informed by the time you reach your appointment and will go in knowing that your technician has taken the time to make you as comfortable as possible.
Here are a few things to be aware of:
Hormonal And Hair Changes
Remember how we mentioned above that pregnancy causes changes to hair growth?
This is totally normal, and every pregnant person will experience it differently.
For some, this means hair shedding or thinning, but for others, it may actually result in their hair getting thicker and growing in faster.
If you find your pregnancy is making your hair grow faster, you’re likely going to need to attend an eyelash appointment more frequently.
That said, for people who experience hair thinning during pregnancy, it can be deeply distressing. What’s more, hair loss can also occur after birth and in the postpartum phase, too.
Getting eyelash extensions can be a way of helping you regain some control over this hair loss, but it’s worth being aware that this might result in the extensions falling out quicker.
Sensitivity To Products
If you are pregnant, then you will know that you need to stay away from harsh chemicals.
Eyelash adhesives can contain many chemical agents, from a thickening agent to a stabilizing agent.
It’s essential that any pregnant person looking for an eyelash extension appointment undergoes a patch test.
Allergic reactions to eyelash extensions are rare, but they can happen – and pregnant people are amongst the most at-risk.
It’s also complicated by the fact that, should a mom-to-be experience an allergic reaction, her pregnancy will limit the treatments that she can receive.
Always take a patch test prior to your appointment, even if you’ve had eyelash extensions multiple times.
Your pregnancy could cause you to react strangely to the glue. If there are any signs of irritation in the 24 – 48 hours following your test, you need to avoid eyelash extensions.
It’s not worth putting yourself or your baby at risk.
Lash Glues and Allergies
The most serious risk for pregnant people is that the glue used for their eyelash extensions contains formaldehyde.
Formaldehyde is a serious chemical – it’s used in fiberboard, for example – and can cause serious health problems.
If you’re pregnant, it’s essential to avoid formaldehyde for your own health and your child’s.
Formaldehyde can cause irritation, burning, coughing, and even nausea. It’s a nasty chemical and can cause serious health problems.
See if your aesthetician has access to sensitive lash glue. This is a product that’s designed for those with glue sensitivity and is less likely to contain such toxic chemicals.
Be aware that the glue may release fumes, which, if you’re pregnant, might make you feel woozy.
It’s exacerbated by the fact that some people experience a heightened sensitivity to smell whilst pregnant.
Ask your technician to ensure that the room is well ventilated prior to your appointment.
Lying On Your Back
Some eyelash extension appointments can take at least a couple of hours, and they typically require clients to lie on their backs.
If you’re pregnant, this can be uncomfortable, and, depending on how far along you are, potentially even dangerous.
If you are anywhere over twenty weeks pregnant, then you should not be lying on your back. It’s just not safe.
Ask your technician to create a space where you can lie on your side, instead.
Using a knee pillow will also help to support your weight and ensure you feel more comfortable.
Factor In A Longer Appointment Time
If you’re pregnant, you should head to your eyelash appointment knowing that it will probably take longer than any sessions you’ve had when you weren’t a mom-to-be.
It’s also worth discussing this with your technician prior to attending the appointment.
As described above, you may find it more comfortable to lie on your side for the appointment.
However, this also means you’ll likely need more breaks as you’ll have to shift your weight around somewhat.
Whether you find yourself needing to switch from one side to the other, or if you could really benefit from taking a little walk and stretch between sides, you’ll need more time in the appointment.
It’s also totally normal to need to go to the bathroom more frequently when pregnant.
That should similarly be factored into any appointment time.
So, remember to factor in time to shift your position, stretch, walk, and use the washroom when booking your eyelash appointment.
It might even be a good idea to go in for shorter appointments that are more frequent.
Usually, people will go into the salon every four weeks for their eyelash extension sessions.
Consider asking your technician to book in shorter appointments every two weeks instead.