Henna brows treatments are a popular way to add color, volume, and definition to eyebrows. In this guide, we show you exactly how to make your henna eyebrows last longer.
What Are Henna Brows?
Henna brows are a modern version of the age-old art of henna tattoos and henna dyes.
With a henna brows treatment, a beautician dyes both the brow hair and the skin behind it.
This creates the appearance of intense color, volume, and gloss.
Looking to get henna brows? Check out our list of pros and cons before deciding.
Are Henna Brows Permanent?
Henna brows are not permanent. As yet, no hair treatment is truly permanent.
The brow treatments that last the longest are semi-permanent tattoos. These can last for up to three years with annual touch-ups.
A henna brows treatment can last for up to 8 weeks. The effect is strongest during the first week.
This is because the dye on the skin fades much more quickly than the dye on the hair.
With that said, the length of time a henna brows treatment lasts depends very much on the condition of a person’s skin and hair.
People with very oily or very dry skin are likely to find that the dye on their skin fades in as little as three days.
Similarly, people with very oily or very dry eyebrow hair are likely to find themselves needing to have a fresh treatment closer to 6 weeks than 8 weeks.
What To Expect After Henna Brows Treatment
A henna brows treatment should have no side effects.
If you have a henna brows treatment at a salon, they will do a patch test first. They will only proceed with the treatment if this comes back all clear.
If you do a henna brows treatment at home, you should also do a patch test. This will confirm whether or not the dye is suitable for your skin.
If you experience any reaction at all then choose another dye.
For completeness, if you forget to do the patch test and experience a reaction then your response should depend on how severe it is.
If it’s just mild irritation then your best course of action is to use coconut oil regularly to speed up the breakdown of the henna dye.
If you have an allergy to coconut oil, then use another oil- or silicone-based makeup remover to remove the henna.
If you have a more severe reaction, then you should see a medical professional. If possible, take the dye with you so they can check the ingredients.
How To Make Henna Eyebrows Last – A Complete Guide
To make your henna eyebrows last as long as possible, you need to protect them from water (including sweat), heat (including sunlight), abrasion, and chemicals (such as certain skincare products and makeup). It’s also highly advisable to use a sealant for extra waterproofing and overall protection.
Here’s everything you need to do to make sure your henna eyebrows last for as long as possible:
Keep your henna brows dry
You need to keep your henna brows as dry as possible for at least 24 hours, 48 is better.
Hot water is more of a problem than cold water because hot water creates steam and steam can get right into your pores.
This means you need to be careful when cooking and avoid showering/bathing if possible (or be very careful).
You also need to avoid steam rooms, saunas, and swimming pools. If you live in a humid climate, then wear a sun visor and/or a sweatband.
Cold water should be relatively easy to avoid.
If the weather is at all damp, keep your head covered with a visor or peaked hat. If you don’t have a waterproof visor or peaked hat then use a hood and/or an umbrella over the top of it.
Similarly, you need to avoid getting any sweat on your brows.
It’s, therefore, best to avoid cardio exercise. If you can’t (or don’t want to) take a rest day, then you could train for balance, flexibility, and/or strength.
Exercises such as yoga, pilates, and tai chi and carefully using weights should all be fine.
Keep your henna brows cool
Being exposed to strong heat can literally cook the henna dye and hence really damage its results.
If you’re having sunny weather then make sure that your henna brows are protected from the sun.
Many sunglasses cover the brow area as well as the eye. For extra protection, it’s good to wear a visor or a hat with a peak or brim.
If you need to use a hairdryer then keep the air current away from your brows.
It’s best to keep your hairdryer at its coolest and gentlest setting. This will minimize the damage if it does accidentally blow onto your brows.
Similarly, if you’re using heated hair tools such as tongs, make sure to keep them well away from your eyebrows.
Treat your henna brows gently
In general, a henna brows treatment will start with exfoliation to prepare the skin.
This means that you’re unlikely to need to exfoliate that area for another couple of days anyway.
It’s best to avoid exfoliating your face for a couple of days after a henna brows treatment.
This will avoid any possibility of the exfoliator getting into your eyebrows. If, however, you must do it, be very careful.
Use small dabs of product and leave plenty of space around the eyebrow area.
Never wax henna brows and threading is also best avoided.
If you find yourself wanting to tidy up your henna brows, use an eyebrow brush and/or pluck as gently as you can.
Be very careful with skincare and makeup
Ideally, you’ll avoid using any sort of skincare or makeup products directly on the brow area.
You absolutely must avoid using any product that penetrates deep into the skin.
The most obvious example of this is anti-aging products. These products are generally designed to speed up skin-cell production and this will speed up the removal of the henna dye.
Similarly, it’s vital to avoid any products containing oil and/or silicone.
These will both break down the henna dye faster. Remember that oil and silicone can be found in a wide variety of products, including some unexpected ones.
For example “dry” products such as makeup wipes often contain oil and/or silicone.
Always check the list of ingredients.
Also, avoid using fake tan from the week before your henna brows appointment to the week after your henna brows appointment.
If you fake tan your face it’s virtually impossible to avoid getting some of it in the brow area. If fake tan gets onto henna brows, the two dyes will basically fight with each other.
Avoid chlorinated water
Pool chlorine is stronger than household bleach (although it’s also more diluted).
It will do serious damage to henna brows.
If you must (or really want to) go swimming in a pool keep your head well above the water and/or wear goggles that cover your brows as well as your eyes.
Use a sealant
If you have your henna brows done in a salon, they will probably sell or at least recommend a sealant you can use to protect your henna brows.
If you do your henna brows at home then you can check the internet for recommendations.
Additional After Care
Here are three final additional aftercare tips so you make your henna eyebrows last and look their absolute best for as long as possible.
How Do You Clean Henna Eyebrows?
For the most part, you can clean your henna eyebrows with plain water.
In fact, your normal showering/bathing routine will probably be enough to clean them on its own.
If you want to do anything else, then use a gentle facial wash without any oil or silicone.
How Often Should You Re-Dye?
You should allow at least three weeks between henna brows treatments. This would give you enough time to assess any mistakes that need to be fixed.
Four weeks to a month is better. If you wish, you can wait 6-8 weeks or even longer. There is no risk whatsoever in reducing the number of henna brows treatments you have.
You will simply have natural eyebrows for a while.
There is, however, a risk in having your henna brows treatments too frequently.
Even though henna dyes are plant-based, they are, by definition, still dyes and need to be treated as such.
In particular, they need to be allowed enough time to complete their oxidization process and work their way through your skin and hair.
If you have henna brows treatments too frequently, you may develop a reaction to the dye.
Common signs of this include:
- Dryness
- Itchiness
- Flakiness
- Hair loss
The first three of these can be easily treated with moisturizer. Hair loss, however, can become a long-term problem.
How Can You Protect Against Dryness?
The best way to protect against dryness is to avoid having your henna brows treated too frequently.
Additionally, it’s helpful to drink plenty of water. Effective hydration will benefit your skin and hair in general including your eyebrow area.
If you really want some extra moisture then look for a moisturizer without any oil or silicone.