10 Foods You Should Never Reheat the Next Day

In the back of our minds, we all know there are some foods that don’t fare well overnight. But too often, we brush this fact aside when taking out last night’s leftovers. If you need a little help in deciding which foods are okay to eat, we’ve got just the list for you. Here are 10 foods you shouldn’t reheat the next day.


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While it’s possible to safely reheat chicken the next day, doing so often changes the protein’s structure and makes it more difficult to digest. You can also put yourself at risk of food poisoning if you don’t reheat it to the right temperature.


Photo Credit: Nishihama/Shutterstock.

Like chicken, rice can be reheated safely the next day, but it is especially prone to bacterial growth, and reheating it will not always kill all of the bacteria. The best way to store rice overnight is to immediately cool it after cooking and then eat the leftovers as quickly as possible.


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According to Real Simple, reheating potatoes in a microwave or other device can put you at risk of botulism. This is especially true when the potatoes are wrapped in foil and left out to cool. Reheating also damages the structure of the potato, causing it to become dry or pasty in many cases.

Leafy Greens

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Leafy greens are healthy and quick to reheat, so it can be tempting to leave a few for the day after cooking. However, greens such as kale and spinach contain nitrates, which can convert to potentially harmful nitrosamines when reheated.


Photo Credit: Sergey Ryzhov/Shutterstock.

If you’ve ever tried reheating eggs, you’ll know that they often don’t come out quite as you may have hoped. Their texture often turns tough and rubbery, and you can also put yourself at risk of salmonella if you don’t reheat them to the right temperature.


Photo Credit: olhovyi_photographer/Shutterstock.

Lots of people love the distinctive flavor of mushrooms, but sadly, their high protein content makes them prone to bacterial growth upon reheating. Reheating can also alter their protein structure, which can make them more difficult to digest.


Photo Credit: it Leong/Shutterstock.

Reheating seafood can put you at risk of food poisoning if it is not stored or reheated correctly. It is also very easy to ruin the texture and quality of seafood when heated for a second time, and the resulting odors can be rather off-putting.


Photo Credit: Ivanna Pavliuk/Shutterstock.

Like some other vegetables, beets contain high levels of nitrates, which can turn into harmful nitrosamines when reheated. As such, it’s better to store and consume them cold if possible. Reheating can also ruin the texture and flavor of beets.

Oils with Low Smoke Points

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According to the Austin Publishing Group, certain oils, such as flaxseed oil and some types of olive oil, can turn rancid and generate dangerous free radicals when reheated. As such, if you want to reheat your leftovers, it’s better to use oils with a high smoke point or choose dishes that don’t require reheating instead.

Celery and Carrots in Soups or Stews

Photo Credit: Olga Nayashkova/Shutterstock.

Like other foods we’ve mentioned on this list, celery and carrots have a high nitrate content, making them somewhat dangerous to reheat. Therefore, if you’re going to eat soups with these ingredients, it’s better to remove them before cooking or eat the meal cold instead.